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Metamaterial and Metasurface Markets Electromagnetic 2022-2042: IDTechEx Metamaterial and Metasurface Markets Electromagnetic 2022-2042

Antenna, lens, sensor, display, absorber, reflector, cooler, shielding, cloaking, holographic beam forming, intelligent reprogrammable surfaces, intelligent reflecting surface, software-programmable metamaterials, large intelligent surfaces, HEMT

By Dr Matthew Dyson and Dr Xiaoxi HeOrder nowOrder in a SubscriptionAbout subscriptionsDownload Sample PagesShow AllDescriptionContents, Table & Figures ListPricingRelated ContentUniquely, this 307-page report gives the essential 20 year forecasts, roadmaps, latest strategy, market, company, technology appraisals presented in clear new infograms, tables, graphs and pictures. It is for those wishing to make, integrate or use new compounds, metamaterials, metasurfaces, reprogrammable intelligent surfaces. See best practice and gaps in the market - formulations, printing, laminating, city deployment etc. without blinding mathematics. Identify partners and acquisitions to create a billion-dollar activity. Welcome to the new frontier of advanced materials and printed and flexible electronics. Metamaterials are structures involving repetitive patterning, usually of metals, and usually controlling electromagnetic radiation in a previously-impossible fashion. For example, the planned 6G communications at far-infrared (terahertz) cannot reliably get such signals to you without metamaterial-based metasurfaces on buildings, even on indoor walls. A large market awaits. The nascent businesses involving metamaterials-based parts and equipment can now progress to billion-dollar enterprises. That includes vertically-oriented businesses making and using them for their communications, defence or other activity. It also includes the newly-emerging need for horizontal marketing of optimised metasurfaces across all sectors as volumes make this worthwhile. For product quality, performance and affordability, the applicational sector specialists must enter the very different world of optimised formulations, reel-to-reel manufacture, mass production themselves or in partnership with those installing such capability. Aspiring and actual participants need to learn the emerging materials and processing challenges, gaps in the market, competitor assessments, twenty-year roadmaps and forecasts in clear English. Sadly, for the latest situation, they face little more than a blizzard of mathematics and jargon in current literature.The antidote is the unique report, "Metamaterial and Metasurface Markets Electromagnetic 2022-2042" because it is entirely commercially oriented, not academic or historical. Grasp the optimal materials and manufacturing processes now needed, pros and cons, applications and potential uses of metamaterials whether alone, enhanced or product-integrated, best practice, best participants and benchmarking other industries. See blunt assessment of which volume applications and which specialist applications are really likely to happen. After the Glossary, the Executive Summary and Conclusions takes 23 pages to give the current and future situation including market forecasts and roadmap 2022-2042. The patterning and metasurface technologies and functions are clearly explained in new infograms, graphs and many pictures. 12 primary conclusions are given by the PhD level analysts worldwide, many multi-lingual. Example of a terahertz metamaterial. The introduction clarifies the basics of metamaterials with many examples and the world of 5G and 6G communications because it is one of the largest potential users. The terminology nightmare is navigated with key terms explained such as the important reconfigurable intelligent surfaces and holographic beamforming. Grasp the awesome versatility from energy harvesting to laminar everything. Examples of metamaterial and metasurface research and future prospects are given including radical possibilities. However, this is analysis not evangelism so the introduction ends with the dark side of large power consumption by any wide deployment of active metasurfaces unless improvements arrive. Chapter 3 has 34 pages on "Metamaterial antennas, metaradomes, shielding and sensors" because these are today's successes with much further to go. See the types, technologies, applications, gaps in the market, advantages and disadvantages with many examples such as China's new stealth fighter. Metamaterial relays, routers, lenses and transparent antennas are here with metamaterial radomes, sensors and more, each with many previously-impossible capabilities. Chapter 4 provides seven densely packed pages on "Metamaterials and metasurfaces for visible, near-infrared and thermal devices". For example, a passive layer can cool buildings, vehicles and solar panels (sharply increasing output) by manipulating infrared, with huge commercial implications. Because "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for 6G Communications" may become the largest application of all, Chapter 5 takes 41 pages to cover it, finishing with 16 IDTechEx conclusions. Chapter 6 scopes the patterning technologies needed. Called "Ultra fine line metal patterning for metamaterials", it gives many examples of what is needed. There follows an appraisal of all candidate additive technologies and three families in depth - "Photopatterning/ photolithography", "Embossing/imprinting and flexo" then "Directly printed fine metal lines", each with many company offerings assessed and an overall SWOT assessment at the end of each. Those interested in the formulations involved in metasurfaces including special transistors and diodes can read Chapter 7 "Semiconductors, liquid crystals, dielectrics and graphene for metamaterials" in 29 pages full of examples and the research pipeline. Chapter 8 then completes the report with, "Capability, strategy, SWOT appraisal for 19 metamaterial companies", each ending with an IDTechEx SWOT assessment, 70 pages in all.
Report MetricsDetails
Forecast Period2022-2042
Forecast UnitsTotal area: Billion sq. m. operating commercially year end. Area deployed yearly: Billion sq. m. Price: $/sq.m. including controller, some fully active tiles and their power supply. Value: $ Billion.
Segments CoveredReprogrammable intelligent surfaces RIS area and $ billion, Metamaterials $ billion split for aerospace, military and security, civil communications, automotive, robotics
Analyst access from IDTechExAll report purchases include up to 30 minutes telephone time with an expert analyst who will help you link key findings in the report to the business issues you're addressing. This needs to be used within three months of purchasing the report.Further informationIf you have any questions about this report, please do not hesitate to contact our report team at research@IDTechEx.com or call one of our sales managers:AMERICAS (USA): +1 617 577 7890ASIA (Japan): +81 3 3216 7209ASIA: +886 9 3999 9792EUROPE (UK) +44 1223 812300Order nowOrder in a SubscriptionAbout subscriptionsDownload Sample PagesTable of Contents
1.1.Purpose of this report
1.2.Primary conclusions
1.3.Lessons from initial success
1.4.Definition and characteristics
1.5.Choices of metasurface functionality
1.6.Applications and formats of metamaterials
1.7.Next metamaterial manufacturing technologies
1.8.Readiness level: Digital/high resolution printing
1.9.Conductive patterning needs for 6G RIS
1.10.Coping with the terahertz gap
1.11.Metamaterial and RIS roadmap 2022-2042
1.12.Electromagnetic metamaterial and metasurface market $ billion 2022-2042 by application segment
1.13.6G Communications RIS number, area, price, market value 2022-2042
1.14.6G RIS number, area, price, market value 2030-2041
1.15.Metamaterial area sales forecasts by application 2022-2024
2.2.Electromagnetic metamaterial basics
2.3.Split ring resonator widely used in metamaterial antennas
2.4.Forms of electromagnetic metamaterials
2.5.Metasurfaces are now the focus
2.6.Terminology nightmare
2.7.Choices of metasurface tunability
2.8.Beam steering by hybrid active metasurface RIS
2.9.Radiotelephony applications
2.10.5G and 6G Communications
2.11.Metamaterial and metasurface research pipeline
2.11.1.Examples of benefits sought
2.11.2.Far more options ahead
2.11.3.Metamaterial energy harvesting
2.12.Widely-deployed RIS will add to the ICT energy challenge
3.1.Overview of antennas
3.2.Two categories
3.3.Advantages and disadvantages of metamaterial antennas
3.4.Metamaterial antenna design
3.4.2.MESA intended to replace PESA and AESA
3.4.3.New GHz and THz antennas
3.4.4.Plasmonic antenna improvements
3.4.5.Terahertz gap
3.5.Metamaterials in routers
3.6.Metamaterials in 4G and 5G mobile phones
3.7.Advanced antennas
3.7.2.Meta Materials Inc transparent antennas
3.9.Cloaking and shielding
3.9.2.Electromagnetic interference shielding
3.9.3.Challenges and key trends for EMI shielding for 5G devices
3.10.Metamaterial sensors
3.10.2.Metamaterials-enabled sensing for human-machine interfaces
3.10.3.Metamaterial thermal sensors
3.10.4.Examples of other progress with metamaterial sensors
3.10.5.Sensing and imaging at higher frequencies and more locations
4.1.Photonic metamaterials for light
4.2.Optical devices - blocking, filtering, focussing, lightweighting, improved performance
4.3.Example: metamaterial guiding and enhancing light
4.4.Thermal metamaterials
5.1.Overview and RIS SWOT appraisal
5.1.1.Biggest application?
5.1.2.What is made possible
5.1.3.RIS for fine mapping
5.1.4.Challenges ahead RIS SWOT report
5.2.The big picture of 6G
5.3.Outdoor RIS for 6G
5.3.1.Needs, Wireless information and Energy Transfer WIET and other benefits
5.4.Indoor RIS: Terminology and functionality
5.5.RIS materials toolkit and technical capabilities
5.5.1.Choices of technology and functionality
5.5.2.Functions envisaged
5.5.3.Two phases
5.5.4.Semi-passive RIS uniqueness
5.6.Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface RIS materials and assembly
5.6.1.Design of passive and active RIS metasurface architectures
5.6.2.Multilayer metasurfaces for RIS
5.6.3.Electrically tunable THz metasurface examples
5.6.4.ENZ metamaterials and metasurfaces
5.6.5.RIS configuration challenges
5.7.Achieving 5G then 6G metasurface design and mass production
5.7.2.Re-programmable metamaterials
5.8.RIS conclusions
6.1.Metamaterial conductive patterning needs and examples
6.2.The printing toolkit
6.2.1.Value chain and key parameters
6.2.2.Readiness level: Digital/high resolution printing
6.3.Photopatterning/ photolithography for fine metal line patterning
6.3.1.Photolithography followed by etching
6.3.2.Fujifilm's photo-patterned metal mesh TCF
6.3.3.Toppan Printing's copper metal mesh
6.3.4.Dai Nippon Printing's fine metal patterning
6.3.5.Tanaka Metal's metal mesh technology
6.3.6.Metamaterial Technologies novel photo patterning technique
6.3.7.Other Players: Panasonic, Foxconn
6.3.8.SWOT analysis on photo patterned fine metal line patterning
6.4.Embossing/imprinting, flexo to create ultra fine metal lines
6.4.2.Nanoimprinting 5um metal line width
6.4.3.O-Film's ultra fine line embossing technology
6.4.4.Some embossing approaches have not been commercially successful
6.4.5.SWOT analysis on embossed fine metal patterning
6.5.Directly printed fine metal lines
6.5.2.Gravure offset printed fine metal line (<5um)
6.5.3.Gravure offset printed fine metal lines: players
6.5.4.Print and plate for ultra fine metal lines
6.5.5.Asahi Kasei: Ultrafine metal line roll to roll printing process
6.5.6.Screen printing and Inkjet printing
6.5.7.Toray photocurable screen printed paste for fine line metal patterning
6.5.8.LCY and Screen Holding photoresist printing
6.5.9.XTPL sub 10um printed metal lines
6.5.10.Electrohydrodynamic printing enables high resolution: Enjet, Scrona, SIJ
6.5.11.High throughput EHD printing?
6.5.12.Direct metal plating on flexible glass
6.5.13.SWOT for directly printed fine metal lines
7.1.Relevant materials challenges
7.2.Opportunities for low loss materials in mmWave 5G and THz 6G
7.3.PTFE and LTCC
7.4.Liquid crystal polymers for 6G RIS
7.5.Fluoropolymers for THz frequencies
7.6.Dielectric constant: benchmarking different substrate technologies
7.7.Loss tangent: benchmarking different substrate technologies
7.8.Moisture uptake: benchmarking different substrate technologies
7.9.Radio frequency front end module (RF FEM)
7.10.Filter materials at 0.01-1THz
7.11.Semiconductor technology for power amplifiers
7.12.SiGe, SiC and 3-5 compounds options in metamaterial devices
7.13.Graphene in metamaterial systems
8.2.Alphacore USA
8.3.Droneshield Australia
8.4.Echodyne USA
8.5.Evolv Technology USA
8.6.Fractal Antenna Systems USA
8.7.General Opto Solutions USA
8.8.Kymeta USA
8.9.Metaboards UK
8.10.Meta Materials Inc., Canada
8.10.1.In its own words
8.10.2.IDTechEx appraisal
8.11.Metacept Systems USA
8.12.Metawave USA
8.13.Multiwave Technologies AG Switzerland
8.14.Nahsai USA
8.15.Pivotal Commware USA
8.16.Plasmonics Inc USA
8.17.Radi-Cool USA
8.18.Rayspan Corporation USA lessons of failure
8.19.SensorMetrix USA
8.20.Teraview UK

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Metamaterial and Metasurface Markets Electromagnetic 2022-2042

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Metamaterial and Metasurface Markets Electromagnetic 2022-2042: IDTechEx Metamaterial and Metasurface Markets Electromagnetic 2022-2042